We’ve brought together links from various sources to make it easier to find all the forms you’ll need for your business. Please browse below and click on the links in order to download the forms.
Companies House Forms
- Appoint a Director AP01
- Return of Allotment of Shares SH01
- Change of Accounting Reference Date AA01
- Change of details of a Director CH01
- Application for striking off DS01
- DCA Dormant Company Accounts AA02
- Written special resolution on change of name
- Notify a re-denomination of shares SH14
- Change a registered office address AD01
- Terminate an appointment of a Director TM01
- Register particulars of a charge MR01
- Withdrawal of application for striking off DS02
- Change a company name NM01
- Terminate an appointment of Secretary TM02
- Appoint a Secretary AP03
- Change of details of a Secretary CH03
- Particulars of a mortgage or charge MG01
HM Revenue & Customs Personal Forms
- Individual Tax Return SA100
- Child Benefit Claim CH2
- Statutory Sick Pay SC2
- Agent Authorisation Form 64-8
- Claim to reduce payments on account SA303
- Claim for Income Tax Repayment P50
HM Revenue & Customs Business Forms
- P11 Deductions Sheet (Current Year)
- PAYE Starter Checklist
- Company Tax Return (2008) CT600
- PAYE Draft Forms: P14/P60 (2014-2015)
- Notice to change the situation of an England and Wales company to a Welsh company AD05
VAT (Value Added Tax) Forms
- VAT Registration Form V1
- Request Transfer of VAT Registration Number VAT68
- FRS Application to use the Flat Rate Scheme VAT600
- Option to tax land VAT1614A
- Application to Cancel Your Registration VAT7
- Claims before or after registration or de-registration VAT427
- Application for Annual Accounting Scheme VAT600AA
- Voluntary Disclosure of VAT Return Errors VAT652
- Refunds for DIY house builders – claim form for new houses VAT431NB
- Refunds for DIY house builders – claim form and notes for conversions VAT431C